f THe LOve Of SilenCE
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Yo friends!!! Tell u all something that is really funny, last thursday, si min go toliet didn't wash her hands lol... Hahaz... And she keep calling me nickname... She very bad lol... Exam left 2 days, jia you everyone... Here i wish everyone can score good marks for exam!!!


1:07 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, September 28, 2007

Hi everyone, long time didn't post le cause exam is coming, need to study...Hahaz... Wish everyone can pass their end-of-year-exam... Jia You everyone, remember dont be too stress... Hahaz... Wish exam can faster finish, like that everyone can relax... But got a sad thing, cause we cannot be in the same class together... Sad sia... Here i wan to wish everyone can pass all their exam with flying colour... Hahaz... Jia You Everyone!!!


3:20 AM sprinklinq love Y

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hahaz... Today is a funny day, during english class chun kiat put feng you at si min's neck and hand, very funny lol... Make untill si min got the smell of feng you... Hahaz... Now everyone like brown sugar macchiato... Wow!!! Brown Sugar Macchiato Rocks man!!! I wan to buy the vcd, but singapore dun have... So sad... Hahaz... Prince Rocks man!!! Hahaz... Ok! Today i write untill here...


3:20 AM sprinklinq love Y

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Today i watch brown sugar macchiato, really very nice, love it so much... Hahaz... I watch untill ep 10, wish ep 11 can faster upload like that i can watch le... Hahaz... I going to study very hard le, cause now stuudy hard then after final-year exam, i can play as much as i wan le... Hahaz... My wish for this year is can pass all my subject... But the sad thing is, brithday still must study, nvm work hard now then later can relax le... wish exam faster come, faster over, this is the best, YEAH!!! Hahaz...


3:06 AM sprinklinq love Y

Monday, September 17, 2007

Today ms koh didn't come but she still give us work to do lol, sian... Didn't come still give us hw, she very diao lol... Mrs shan very bad lol, she keep calling us to keep quiet or else she dont wan to give us go home, but in the end no one care her and the whole class still leave the class after the bell goes... Hahaz, very funny lol... Mrs shan still call Gek Heong wrong name lol... Only a few month didn't saw her, like that oso can call wrong name... Hahaz... Lame sia... Brown sugar macchiato & My lucky star Rocks!!! Hahaz... Ok, today write untill here... Hahaz...


2:42 AM sprinklinq love Y

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Today is a bad day for me... The baby keep bully me lol, i feel very not fair... Everytime i was the one who get scolding even that was not my falut... I feel very sad lol, when i was small i oso was the one who get scolding, if can go out late, i will de... Sad and hate is now i have... WHO CAN HELP ME!!! I really cant take it anymore!!!


1:33 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, September 14, 2007

Sian, today in class my friends all bully me lol... ppl sit around me one, all bully me, not fair lah... Gh hit me the most time lol... The last lesson, derrick hit me then i call ppl help me and u all know wat si min help me to hot him lol, she really is a good friend sia... hahaz... Ms Tan today bad mood, keep scolding us, she a bit siao lol, listen to kim meng, believe wat he said... Nvm, cause i didn't do anything wrong... hahaz... I will write untill here...


9:14 AM sprinklinq love Y

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Yeah!!! I got all the lucky star song le, this all thanks to lay lin because she help me to find all the song, hahaz... Today money kim makes gh cry lol because he keep saying gh... hahaz... We twll our form teacher adout it and she said he mad le call us dont care about him, very funny lol, teacher said ppl mad one... In the night, we conference in the phone and we talk many funny thing lol.... hahaz... ok, that i will write for today... hahaz...


7:37 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, September 7, 2007

Today is a unhappy day because of the baby & my mum... Everytime wrong one is me and not the baby, i know i am older than her but why i was the one who get scolding when is her fault... I feel that my parent is not fair to me... I really wan to be happy but i just can't get myself into that mood... WHO CAN HELP ME!!!


7:45 AM sprinklinq love Y

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I look forward to thursday cause i can go out watch movie after band practice... hahaz... Today is a relaxing day cause i stay at home and play com... hahaz... I now saving money to buy a drama show and i am wating for the sound track... I will write untill here, next time then continue... Bye Bye...


12:47 AM sprinklinq love Y

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Long time didn't post because got a few week not free to post... These few week had happened a lot of thing... Hahaz... My lucky star is a great show man!!! This show very nice lol, i love this show lots... Yeah! Tml can go east coat bbq, so cool... hahaz... Remember enjoy everyday... hahaz...


4:56 AM sprinklinq love Y

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# KAREN[SCrEaMing Gal]
# GEK HEONG[HaRdworking giRl]
# Jie Han
# Jian Hui
# Si Min
# Phyllis
# WEiJing
# Sgs-Band
# Vivian[NOisey Gal]
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