f THe LOve Of SilenCE
Friday, November 28, 2008

Today got band whole day, dam tried de lol... Got band for 8 hours sia, play instrument untill my lips got abit crack and painful lol... Tomorrow is a busy day again and must wake up very early, i think i will gone mad... Today wake up at 6.30am plus, then tml must wake up at 5.45 plus... Sian lol... These few day for me is a busy day... Althought is busy but is oso very happy... Wahahaz...


4:38 AM sprinklinq love Y

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Today go vivo with Huiting, Vivian & Si Min.... We go there and play, play untill all when ki siao lol... Dam fun de, hahaz... Whole day is not boring, everything is so fun lol... Today like when bck to past, playing with all kind of toy... Being children is so good.... Wish will not grow up, but bad thing is cannot watch nc16 de show... Wahahaz... Now i watching a anime, i feel it very nice lol, it call FULL MOON WO SAGASHITE... Dam nice de, must watch... Hahaz... Anyway today is a happy happy day... Hehe...


4:37 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, November 21, 2008

Yesterday got band camp, whloe day didn't slp untill today reach home then slp lol.... Dam tried de... Today slp the from 12pm~6pm sia... These few week i love to watch animation especailly a anime called VAMPIRE KNIGHT & the season two of it called VAMPIRE KNIGHT GUILTY.... Dammm nice de lol, and oso one show called SHUGO CHARA, very nice too .... Taiwan drama i love now is Pi Li MIT, this show oso very nice... I love this show because got my idol acting in it... Hahaz...


7:25 AM sprinklinq love Y

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Today go out with my mum in the morning, and afternoon i meet up with huiting... We go and find our senior, Delon.... Hahaz... We go watch moive tgt and go play adi... Yeah can play adi althought only awhile... Wahahaz... Today is more happy than yesterday althought i dun know why, maybe today is a good day bah... Wish that everday can be like that, hehe & hahaz de... Single is the best... Wahahaz...


5:47 AM sprinklinq love Y

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today i go to east coast with my freinds, after finish playing arcade, we went to the nearby playground and play games... Today oso a ki siao day lol... After the rain, we go bck to the playground again... I climb and fell, damm pain lol... Now i feel my hand useless liao... If bend my arm, i will feel the pain... Dun know wat to do sia... Anyway today is fun & painful day for me bah... Wish that everyday can be so happy... Bleah=p......


6:59 AM sprinklinq love Y

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I really dun know my chioce is right or wrong... I am all so lonely lol, maybe still not use to it bah... These few day i realise that, life is boring... Nth new to me... I wan go oversea and go to all kind of places, to know the type of ppl in the world... When one person is sad, wat should they do to make themself happy??? Cry all they can then after that will be happy or keep on thinking that they are happy then they will be happy le... I really dun know wat should i do, should i or should not do...... Everyday is so SIAN lol... Another BORING DAY lol...


7:05 AM sprinklinq love Y

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-Crystal Middlemas-


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I love to play
I love pink
I'm cheerful and hyper
I shop till tried
That's cos
I'm a girl
And a active one too.STABBERS

Wishing WEll
Go overseaand look about
More wisdom, knowledge & talent
More frame, beauty & fortune
September 2009

# KAREN[SCrEaMing Gal]
# GEK HEONG[HaRdworking giRl]
# Jie Han
# Jian Hui
# Si Min
# Phyllis
# WEiJing
# Sgs-Band
# Vivian[NOisey Gal]
# Gregory[Lai]
# KEnneth
# BEverlEy[BaNd MajoR]
# YAng TiNg
# JiLoNg

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Picture by: Clara (I've forgotten the web, but i noe is clara)
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