f THe LOve Of SilenCE
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

These few day, i know one thing...
If u dun have a will to live, eventually u will die...
And maybe i should just die...
All these thinking just came out in a sudden...
All the stress oso came out in a sudden too...
I really dun like the way i'm now....
Who can save me when i have all these mind-set???
I really dun know wat to do...
TEll Me How???


6:49 AM sprinklinq love Y

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

School reopen in few days time... Exams coming in a few months... I dun know wat to do, how? Wat is freedom all about? I wan to live in my own world when there is no exam & everyday will be happy... Everything NO COMMENT...


6:25 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, June 19, 2009

I hate myself and i hate the world of ppl... I dun know why and wat happened, but i know i'm being dislike somehow... No one understand me and not even my family or myself... Secret that only can keep in my own heart... That was so stressful, when you need to heep everything to urself and no one to share with... I hate everything in this world... Why our world can't be the same as the animate world... Sometime, i even wish that i was not been born in this world... When you had a problem, there was no one to share with, that was so painful... If i can choose a different world, I would wan to live in a world that only had happiness and had no sadness...


7:06 AM sprinklinq love Y

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Why everything went so wrong... Even family oso like that.... Why everytime i was the one who get scolding? Why anything unhappy problem oso happended to me? Why Why Why??? One day i will gone crazy... I really dun wan these to happended.... I wan to went bck to pass when everything was alright, and all of us have no problem... When my blossom friend & true friend will appear? I wan everything was bck to the pass, when she still love me.... And abit of love from he.... And alot from them....


7:29 AM sprinklinq love Y

Sunday, June 7, 2009

During the 5/06/09, friday, many of us go to east coast park for fun... Christine, Jolanda, Prashanth, Vivian, Huiting, Kun mei, Zhi qiang & Karen, all of us went to east coast tgt... hahaz... In the bus; Christine, Jolanda, Prashanth & i play happy family... When we reach east coast, we went to play rollerblade and Jolanda ride a bicycle... But not all of them go and play as, Huiting, Karen, Zhi qiang & Kun mei didn't play with us... They went to arcarde and play themselves... That was the first time i play rollerblade, and i fall lots of time lol, i think more than 10 time... Dam pain de... However, on that day was very fun... If contiune to write, i dun think i can write finish... hahaz...


3:44 AM sprinklinq love Y

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Love is like a river,
will cut a new path;
whenever it meets an obstacle.
-Crystal Middlemas-


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I love to play
I love pink
I'm cheerful and hyper
I shop till tried
That's cos
I'm a girl
And a active one too.STABBERS

Wishing WEll
Go overseaand look about
More wisdom, knowledge & talent
More frame, beauty & fortune
September 2009

# KAREN[SCrEaMing Gal]
# GEK HEONG[HaRdworking giRl]
# Jie Han
# Jian Hui
# Si Min
# Phyllis
# WEiJing
# Sgs-Band
# Vivian[NOisey Gal]
# Gregory[Lai]
# KEnneth
# BEverlEy[BaNd MajoR]
# YAng TiNg
# JiLoNg

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