f THe LOve Of SilenCE
Monday, August 31, 2009

Today in school, after recess, we took picture in the classroom as we were bored. hahaz... today school was okay lol... After school, went to hougang mall to buy yaya's birthday present. I've notice something that, make me feel upset. I've learn that "good friend is forever, however it is hard to find a forever friend"... I was wondering, how long can our friendship last... Would it be like the same as the primary school friend? I dun wish this would happended... Can all of us last forever? It a question to all... Feel like eating ice-cream now... hahaz... BORING!!!


8:07 AM sprinklinq love Y

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tear that dropped, no one will ever notice... Sadness that occur within me, only can keep to myself... Secret in me, cannot be share with anyone... Can we stop having cold war? I really dun like the way it is now. I feel very stress and unhappy... Actually i really wan to talk to u, but i can't because if i talk to u first, that mean i've lost this war. Not only lost as this oso meant that i was in the wrong... But i dun think i am wrong... Should i talk to u first? haiz... So fan...


9:07 PM sprinklinq love Y

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Today went out with Christine, Jolanda and Daryl, we go hougang mall to study chemistry... In school, Ms Tan scolded the whole class but anyway i didn't care much... hahaz... Sometime, i was wondering why ppl can changed within one day. Maybe they had something that make them just changed so suddenly... Everything changed so sudden... haiz... These few days, thing that happended was so suddenly... Have haapy and unhappy one... This week, i keep going out, i think i was mad... hahaz... For those who were unhappy, pls cheer up... If really feel that sad, just think of the fun thing that we had did, and dun think of all the bad guy... Jia you, support u... ^^


11:10 PM sprinklinq love Y

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Today school was alright, just abit of unhappy as ms tan scolded me cause of my result. I know i was in the wrong but she scolded me like i've failled all my subject... She's that kind of unfair teacher... I wan to work hard and get bck all my good result. STUDYING is the only way now... I've find out something and that was all human being is the same kind of ppl... Wat kind of ppl, that a question to found out... Sometimes, i wondering why we can't have a person that we dream of... It so difficult to find someone that i really do trust alots... Everyone was just a big liar as they only know how to say it, but they dun know how to do it... If u could say it then make sure u could do it, or else dun say it... Wat i've learn: "Try to ran faster and chase u up, but u move further away from me"... How could someone reopen their heart to the same person???


12:01 AM sprinklinq love Y

Monday, August 24, 2009

What will happended if this prelim was my N-level. I really dun dare to think about it... Now i still in playing mood, how? I really scared of my N-level paper... Sometimes, i was thinking of the pass, when all of the senior are still there... Really miss the time we had spend tgt. Why everything had just gone? One-by-one beside me started to disappear... I really dun wan to lose all of u... Can all of u just stay where u are, dun leave me alone here... I'm really unhappy, but who can i share my tear with... Just can hide somewhere, when there was no one...No matter where i was, i must be happy, this is wat i have promise to myself. But i dun know if i could really do it... Everytime when things happended, i'll be no comment... Arh~~~~~~~~ I WAN TO Be PEACEFUL...


5:43 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, August 21, 2009

Today go out with huiting and vivian... We went to amk and watch a moive called "the proposal". The show is quite funny and intersting... When the movie finish, we saw karen and gregory, they was so loving... hahaz... After movie, we went to clarke quay and buy bun, and sweets... hahaz... After that, we went to bugis and we saw guo xuan and zhi qiang... At night, we went to eat steam boat, i didn't eat but i did sat there and watch them eat... hahaz... At first, i feel that the place was quite smelly, but after awhile, it was okay... Around 8.30 plus, i left the place alone as they were still eating... When i was walking, suddenly i had alot of thought in my head... In the mrt, i saw someone i know, and i quickly hide, although i dun know why i need to hide from him... Abit funny lol, maybe i was mad... hahaz...


11:16 PM sprinklinq love Y

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The world is so unfair, why must the world be so curel... Nth right was going on... I think i would faill my prelim, study one didn't came out, the one that i didn't study came out... So upset now... I really scared that my POA would faill... Faill nvm, scared one is i only could get less than 10mrks... Arh~~~~ Why the paper so difficult... Stress... I learn that; "even you're not around, the earth would contiuned to turn without you"... Everyone should oso back to their life... I think all of us must be happy and dun worry too much... Wahahaz...


7:39 AM sprinklinq love Y

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I think most of the time, all of u are just lying to me... You, big liar =p. Hate u x5... Everytime bulff me... I wan a time machine because like that, i can go bck to pass and be as happy as before... However, i dun think that is possible...


4:30 AM sprinklinq love Y

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Everything in my life have changed... People around me have changed, enviroment around me is changing, even myself is oso changing... LOL... Sometimes, i feel that the one i'm now is not the real me... Why everytime when i start to believe and wan to treat the person well, they will start to disappear... I'm very sad, do u know that... Maybe God wan me to be lonely... Maybe i might look very happer & cheerful at the surface, but u will nv know wat i'm thinking... Say the truth, i oso dun understand myself, therefore i cannot expect others to know me... I'm tried of living in this world, God can u bring me to places that is peaceful and can make me feel happier... Why no one could understand and believe me... Maybe i really can't believe wat human being say...


7:37 AM sprinklinq love Y

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

No one listen to me... No one understand me... Not even the close one know... Human being only know how to say the bad thing, and sometime abit of thing then they will be angry... Thing that happened to me, make me dun believe in anyone anymore.. No one could be trusted... However, sometimes i still believe in someone... Wish that the someone won't betray me like the others do... Human being is a funny creature in the world... Are human being worth to be believed??? I'm really curious... Can u be trustworthy??? Can i believe in u again???


5:35 AM sprinklinq love Y

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