f THe LOve Of SilenCE
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dun blame everything on ppl, maybe i've did something wrong but u oso did it too... I really dun know which one u say was true and which was fake... You say ppl give empty promise, but u oso break ppl promise, so wat is the differences... You dun know wat i'm thinking and i oso dun know wat u are thinking... Whatever it is, mistake that had done can't be undone again... If you think that i'm the one who was in the wrong, then just let it be bah... I've awake, and i'm back to my normal life... Just let everything be in the past... And just FORGET....


6:29 AM sprinklinq love Y

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Who will know my sadness??? No one will know even when i break down, i only can face all these myself... Crying at night, thinking of rubbish is a stupid way... 2009 is a year that had lots of stress and difficulties... I need to overcome all this problem, like that i can gain back my happiness... I must JIA YOU...^^ hahaz... I wan watch moive...

1:04 AM sprinklinq love Y

Saturday, September 26, 2009

When human beings did something wrong, they will put the blame on others but not to themselves... I dun understand why human beings is like that... If everyone admit wat they have did, i think the world will be in a peaceful manner.... WHERE IS MY PEACEFUL WORLD!!!

8:03 AM sprinklinq love Y

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I dun like the feeling now... Everything is so complicated, i really hate it... STOP!!! STOP!!! STOP WHERE YOU ARE NOW!!! Arh~~~~~~ I'm going to be crazy.... Just dun step over the line of friend... ROAR!!!


6:12 AM sprinklinq love Y

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I was wondering why our life is so complicated... Thing that had done can't be changed, words that we had say out can't be forget by the other parties... Sometimes, word that say out oso can't be forgive... So no matter wat we wan to do or say, we must think carefully... We must remember one thing, that is thing had be done can't be undone... A mistake is forever... They will be following u, no matter where u goes and no matter how long it has been... I wish i can go to a world of peace, a place in the anime or in the comics... In there, i can really find myself bck...


6:55 AM sprinklinq love Y

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

忽然间,发现到你是不是在骗我 ... 我是不是还要在相信你? 如果骗我只是为了你自己,那我会对你很失望... I really dun like ppl to lie... Hurting ppl is not as fun as u tot of... Believe u or not, it a question now... WHatever it is, if u let me know that you're just using me, i will hate u....


6:36 AM sprinklinq love Y

Monday, September 21, 2009

We cannot predict our life but we can control our own life... I wish i can forever had this group of friends and this kind of relationship between all of us... The bonding of friendship is good, and some can become my sis, and some become my trusted friends... However, inside this group of friends, some can't be trusted as they did betray me before... I wish the relationship between all of us would continue like that without any changes... No matter who is it, remember if u wan the relationship to last, then dun step over the line of friends or the relationship will change and won't goes in a good way... 友情是可贵的,不要毁了它...


7:04 AM sprinklinq love Y

Sunday, September 20, 2009

如果是真心的喜欢一个人, 你就会希望你喜欢的人会一辈子开心和幸福... 喜欢一个人并不是要得到他, 而是要他真的快乐... 真希望我可以一辈子都快乐...

3:52 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, September 11, 2009

Haiz... No comment for everything... I think today i nearly bored to death... No matter how unhappy or sad i'm, i must try to get bck my happiness... I think i'm too emotional.... Arh~~~~ 烦死了...


7:31 AM sprinklinq love Y

Saturday, September 5, 2009

我很痛苦!!!! I really wan to went bck to the pass as there was no problem and conflict... In the past, everything was fine and happy. But now, everything had change and the way it goes was so wrong... WTH... Can everything restart even those ppl in my life, i really wish that we could be bck like the past. Can we??? And somehow, i realise that all these while i've being tricked by my trusted friend, i was really hurt by that person.... LOL... I should just reset everything inculed my heart and my brian... haiz, life was so stressful... And N-level is here... Arh~~~~~~ Really will break down, if it continue like that...


8:09 AM sprinklinq love Y

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Family and my darling sis, you're the best ,that wat i believe... Dun leave me and break my heart, k? hahaz... I wan to be bck in the pass where we are still the same... It the time to said goodbye as i'm going to leave... See u!!! ^^


7:59 AM sprinklinq love Y

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September 2009

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