f THe LOve Of SilenCE
Friday, October 23, 2009

Everything seem to change so quickly... Really miss the time that we were running in the canteen, playing basketball during P.E lesson, chating all kind of thing in the class... I really love my class because we put in alot of effort in it.... Last but not least, we really had so much fun and happiness in the class and even during lesson time... Our class had so many type of ppl in it, so much fun lol.... Inside the classroom, i feel so warm.... It just ended like that, say the truth, it was really not enough... I still wan to be with my friends and classmates.... LOVE OUR CLASS MOST, STAR OF A4....

9:00 AM sprinklinq love Y

Monday, October 19, 2009

I'm bored.... No one can tell... Really need someone to cheer me up and make me laught like crazy... hahaz... Life is so~~~ boring... I'm tried of all this... Who can rescue me from all these... Bored to death... Wth... Whatever it is, everything had already over, can't we just be as normal as last time.... I wan to play and not working, because working is too boring...


7:51 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, October 16, 2009

Today have class bbq and it was really fun... hahaz... Although, i keep fall down but everything is still very fun as the class is so united... PPl from other class like Lennard Chow and the Li Yang oso had came to our class bbq... I think they like our class too much, therefore they came... hahaz... 4A1 got very little ppl and 4A4 got alot... But around 8pm like that, our class became very little ppl and 4A1 have more ppl... The sky became darker and everyone suddenly gone mad, i think half of the reason is because if the beer... hahaz... Anyway it was really fun, and i hope next time we still will have this type of activity... I won't forget about my class, 4A4... We will forever be stars of A4...


9:04 AM sprinklinq love Y

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This time, maybe i should just give up... I've trying for so hard and so long, but in the end they just dun wan to understand me, then wat could i do.... Really had problem and need someone, but no one is there for me... Looking bck in life, i feel that all the memories that we had tgt were so great, but everyone seem to forget all this... I'm still keeping the happiness but i know that u all just hate me... Whatever it is, if u all wan blame me then i oso can't say a thing...

8:18 AM sprinklinq love Y

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I dun know how to walk the path of my life, i'm really lost... Wat i've tot and wat i've is really different... Maybe i did break some of my promises, but this doesn't mean that u all can treat me like that.... Treating ppl like this is really hurting, but maybe u all just wan to hurt ppl.... I really can't understand why human beings like to do all these stuff... They only know that other ppl had hurt them, but they dun know that they are oso hurting the others... When ppl are faking, they think that they are real... But when ppl are acting real, they just think that they are just faking.... I wan to know nth, so just........

9:12 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, October 9, 2009

Today go k-lunch with mu xian, although we had only two ppl, but we sing untill very happy.... hahaz... After k-box, meet zq and three of us go bugis tgt... We go there shopping, and help mu xian find something.... Quite fun lol, hahaz.... We oso go walk there walk here, and walk untill ps... Play awhile of aracde then go take mrt... Reach hougang mall and shop around for a short while.... So fun.... Next time still wan go k-box, can sing till mad lol.... wahahaz....

7:53 AM sprinklinq love Y

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Today after my geo paper, i have a feeling that i'll flung my geo.... Study so hard for geo, but ended up dun know how to write.... Wth... I'm really bored now... Monday is the last paper, yeah!!!

8:19 AM sprinklinq love Y

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Just feel that everything had changed... I really dun know why become like this, i tot we did say before that be friend forever, but now i dun think we even look like good friend and how to be friend forever.... Can't we just be as good as before all this thing happended??? We use to be so good, but now we look like stranger... I had try to put back our friendship but now, i really dun know wat i could do... Who can teach me...

7:33 AM sprinklinq love Y

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Today having exam, i feel that the math paper 1 is quite easy... But still scared will failed... hahaz...
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to huiting, happy birthday to you.... YEAH!!!


7:28 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, October 2, 2009

This year is ending soon.... N-level is on this coming monday... Everything ended so fast, suddenly dun like this feeling... I dun wan to ended so fast as i still wish to have more memories with my classmate and friends... I feel so weird, everything seem to go off soon... quite sad.... We will say goodbye to each other.... I would miss the memories that we use to have...

7:49 AM sprinklinq love Y

Thursday, October 1, 2009

我越来越不了解我自己,也越来越不了解你... Who are you? N-level is here, but still in playing mood.... Only have two word to said, that is "gone case"...

7:42 AM sprinklinq love Y

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And a active one too.STABBERS

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September 2009

# KAREN[SCrEaMing Gal]
# GEK HEONG[HaRdworking giRl]
# Jie Han
# Jian Hui
# Si Min
# Phyllis
# WEiJing
# Sgs-Band
# Vivian[NOisey Gal]
# Gregory[Lai]
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# BEverlEy[BaNd MajoR]
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