f THe LOve Of SilenCE
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Yesterday, went to watch "New Moon" and it was nice... However, i feel that twilight is nicer than new moon... hahaz... Dun know why, this few week i dam poor ... WTH... PPl keep saying that, i'm rich, but i'm not, okay... Tomorrow start working again, boring... LaLaLaLaLa~~~~~~

2:08 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, November 27, 2009

Today reach home at 10pm plus, and i've bought a PUMA belt, got diamond on it... Nice & Cool... hahaz... Eat alot of food, scared will become fatter... I dun wan to gain weight... Anyway, tomorrow i'm going to watch new moon... Yeah... hahaz...

7:38 AM sprinklinq love Y

Monday, November 23, 2009

Today Tze Hui and I went to AMK hub, as we going to watch movie... We watch " My Girlfriend is an agent "... Super nice and funny, must watch lol... Feel like watching again...hahaz... Before reaching AMK hub, saw Daryl in bus and... In AMK hub, saw him again... Long time no see... hahaz... After moive, we went to lane and had fun there too... Play 2hrs of lane, and reach home around 8.30pm... At home, i'm unhappy because from the morning when i was awake, i get scolding till the night... WTH... Dun know wat's wrong with her, today like crazy one, scolding me non-stop... I think if this continue, i'll oso become crazy... But overall, today was okay... Quite happy when i'm outside... Hope tomorrow, she will be normal... hahaz...

6:07 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, November 20, 2009

Today went out with Tze Hui, Lay Lin and Mu Xian... However, we only meet Lay Lin for awhile becauae she wan to go home and have a good rest... After meeting, went to AMK... Mu Xian and I watch 2012, dam exciting lol... hahaz... We watch 5.25pm one, before that we have our lunch at mac and went for some shopping with Tze Hui... We acompany her untill the moive start, because she need wait for her sis at AMK too... Today saw mrs chan and her family too... Cool man... wahahaz...
And i wan to tell Tze Hui and Aaron that,

7:17 AM sprinklinq love Y

Monday, November 16, 2009

Actually, today wanted to spend the whole day at home, but Mu Xian suddenly called me... So, i acompany her to search for jobs... She ask alot of places, but only a few places ask her to leave her name and hp number there.... I think that person won't hired her, because too young plus no experience... hahaz... Tomorrow oso going out, but still not sure where to go... I'm excited because, friday, 25/12/09 is reaching.... Hope that day will have lots of fun... Yeah.... =)

6:17 AM sprinklinq love Y

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Friday, 13/11/09, went out with Jolanda, Si Min, Nick, Weijing, Lennard and Gerld... We went to ice-skate and have so much of fun there... After ice-skating, we went to Jo's house and had bbq... Although, it was a sudden decision... hahaz... I had lots of fun on that day, hope can go out again with you guy... It was really a fun and great day... hahaz... Anyway, i really hope that everything can go on smoothly between the four of them... hahaz...

Saturday, 14/11/09, went out with my whole family... Went to orchard, because feel like shopping... Maybe it was weekend, that why orchard had lots of ppl... Headache, because too many ppl... But overall, it was a great day... hahaz...

Sunday, 15/11/09, go comic shop and look for comic to read.... At home too bored, so go there and found something cool... Today was quite boring, but can have a great rest at home... Cool... hahaz...

6:03 AM sprinklinq love Y

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Everyday is so busy.... Tomorrow oso will be a busy day.... hahaz... I wan go fahrenaeit showcase, but dun know where to get those ticket.... And i wan to buy sooooooo many comic books, but no money.... Sian, must earn lots of money first.... Wait for me, comic books..... hahaz... Miss all my classmates, and miss the time we spend tgt in the calss, so much of laughter was gaven.... Thanks to you guy, cause you guy really bring lots of fun.... Boring lesson become so interesting, hahaz... Hope everyone will have another chance to meet each other again...


6:44 AM sprinklinq love Y

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Everytime only say that i cause her to get scolding, but u all got put yourself into my shoes and think for me.... If the person she make is you, then u would complain about it.... But if the person she make was me, then u only know how to scold me... WTH, SHUT UP.... Enough of all these stupid things, maybe i should just keep my mouth shut for all day long.... Would it be better??? Treat you all so good, but you all dun know how to appreciate it... All human being are the same kind, only will think of themselves.... When one day u feel it, then u would know how painful it is... No one will know the pain i'm taking now....
How nice it is, your dream may come true, maybe now is your chance...

4:46 AM sprinklinq love Y

Monday, November 2, 2009

Quite awhile didn't post, because i'm too busy... hahaz... These few week were working and i finally can understand my parent... After working i wan to have lots of fun~~~~~~ Life are boring...

5:09 AM sprinklinq love Y

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# GEK HEONG[HaRdworking giRl]
# Jie Han
# Jian Hui
# Si Min
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# Sgs-Band
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