f THe LOve Of SilenCE
Thursday, January 28, 2010

I really dun know how to express myself.... In some way, i'm lost inside myself... Sometime, i only can see darkness, and i can't find any soultion... These few days, i've been irrated by something and even someone... It soooooooooo irrating... In this world, everybody do lie before, but pls do not become the greatest liar in some ppl heart....


6:11 AM sprinklinq love Y

Monday, January 25, 2010

Who you think you are... You think you can control my life, wait forever oso impossible... Stop all these stupid thing... Everytime say ppl childish, i think the most childish person is you... Dun think this world without u will be gone, i think without u this world would become a better place... Like to say bad thing behind others, why dun dare say infront of that person... WOW.... I think i must give u an award called: "THE BEST ACTING SKILL"... I'm saying the truth now, becareful of this type of person... And maybe all of us is one of the NOT careful person who step into the traps...

你以为而已, 但这不是事实.....

6:11 AM sprinklinq love Y

Sunday, January 24, 2010

If you're a liar then forever you will be one of them??? Can a liar be trusted, i really wonder... Hope one day they can stop lying and leave the group of liar... Everyone did lie before, but can the person say out the true... Maybe it was difficult but it can be done.... Anyway i feel that, human being was a funny creature, say thing that dun think in the same way as they tot... If they dun feel the same way as they tot, maybe they can just SHUT UP....

Suddenly, i LOVE this song called "生理时钟"........ FEEL so relax after listening to this song.... hahaz... ^^

3:19 AM sprinklinq love Y

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Now at airport, soooooooo boring... I wan play acarde at hk, dun know can found it there.... Seriously i'm quite excited now... Dun know can found the thing that i wan anot... Realx and have a nice trip, that my wish... hahaz... Hope can caught up all the work in school when i'm bck...

9:42 PM sprinklinq love Y

YEAH, tomorrow i'm leaving Singapore... Going to MIA for 1 whole week, can no need to face all the stupid problem... GO AWAY PLS.... I just wan to erase all the unhappiness that i've gone through... >.<

7:41 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, January 15, 2010

I'm leaving Singapore in a few days time... Hope everything will be fine and can goes smoothly... School was not that bad, just that the chinese teacher is really irrating... I just wan to have a peace and quiet place to relax and cool down myself... Where can i find this type of places, i really wonder... I really dun understand wat human being thinking... I really wish that i have a kind of power, that can see through ppl's mind... It's time to be serious...

难道你不觉得辛苦, 每天都要这样假装着.... 你不辛苦, 但我觉得很痛苦...



5:22 AM sprinklinq love Y

Sunday, January 10, 2010

This world is so complicated... I really dun know wat human being is thinking... Why can't they just express their own feeling... Liking someone or dislike someone, just say it out, dun act and hid the feeling... If we dun say it out, no one will know wat you're thinking... I really wan to meet someone that would not hid their own feeling, if dislike or even like, just say it out loud.... No one would blame them, but if that person is just acting to be friendly and behind ppl bck, they did something horrible, that kind of ppl is soooooooooo sux...

5:03 AM sprinklinq love Y

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Today busy for the whole day, and i'm tired now... Althought tired, but i still dun feel like sleeping... hahaz... Had lots of fun today... Today is the second day of 2010... WOW... Can't believe that school reopen too... Yeah, can see all my friend again... Quite sad that, cannot be in the same class as some of them, but mostly 4A4 ppl is in the same class this year... Unhappy because i haven't play enough, and i need to study for my O-level exam... Need start studying again, boring... Watching moive tomorrow, YES... hahaz...


6:35 AM sprinklinq love Y

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