f THe LOve Of SilenCE
Friday, July 16, 2010

I like these words...
It say about relationship between some of the couples that i have seen...
Maybe included... ....

It started like these:

Do you happen to remember that day?
That first day we met?
I still remember it the promise you made to me...
That you will only care for me...
That you will only protect me...
That you will only love me...
I believed your lies, i believed it...
Did you really love me?
That's a question...

I think guys will sweet- talk to a girl that they wan to chase by those words, but in the end, every words that they said became lies...
They just break all those promises...
Words that they said cannot be trusted?
Maybe its truth......

9:09 AM sprinklinq love Y

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We only need 3.3 sec to say I love you.
We can delete five msg in 4 sec.
Not saying I Love You to those you love might make you regret in some other days.

珍惜你身旁的人 不要在未来后悔.... .....

7:06 AM sprinklinq love Y

Monday, July 12, 2010

Everyone is important to me.
But is it that i'm important to them too?
That's really a question that everyone wan to know...
And even me, myself wan to know...
Wat is importance mean to everyone?
Do ppl really knows...

6:00 AM sprinklinq love Y

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I wan to forget ppl that treated me badly.
I wan to forget ppl who dun like me.
I wan to forget all the unhappiness that happened.
But it's really hard to forget all these. Maybe it was impossible.
Dun know wat should I say.
Dun know wat should I do.
Everything just can't go the way i wanted it to be.
Whatever, it doesn't matter already. Maybe life should just carry on without asking question.

私はばかだ !?

6:03 AM sprinklinq love Y

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Why are we born in this world? What's the aim of living? Sometime, i really dun know why are we in this world for... What people see on the surface might not be the truth, and all the human beings is just hiding secret from one another... Why can't they say what they like and what they dun like... Is that really so difficult... Open your heart more to people and you can see a different angle of this world... Although, i dun really like it, but overall it quite a cool world... At least i'm happy that i was born and can meet my family... hahaz.... Hope can be cheerful and happy forever...


7:12 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, July 2, 2010

Have so many feeling in me, wanted to express it out but just dun know how to release all these feeling... Actually everyone wanted people to care for them and everyone wanted to be loved... However, over care or kind to that person might cause misunderstanding... But sometimes, i just wanted to know more about people... Did i do something wrong, i really dun understand... Anyway BE HAPPY DUN WORRY, that's the best... Who care what ppl said, that their mouth.. hahaz...

5:48 AM sprinklinq love Y

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Love is like a river,
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whenever it meets an obstacle.
-Crystal Middlemas-


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That's cos
I'm a girl
And a active one too.STABBERS

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# GEK HEONG[HaRdworking giRl]
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