f THe LOve Of SilenCE
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Human beings is a selfish creature, they only care for themselves... Words that they said sounded so nice, but if things really happened, they wouldn't even bother to save you... Who will really risk their life for saving you... There were only a few ppl will do that??? Most of the time we are blinded by the words they said, and ppl that really cherish you won't even say anything... However, their intention was always good... I shall see the true colour of ppl, and know who was the one I'm willing to die for... I shouldn't be so stupid... Wake Uppppppp!!!!

9:13 AM sprinklinq love Y

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I feel like I'm a nobody to anyone... When they are in good mood, they talk to me in a funny way... However, when they became moody, they will just tell me I've no mood to talk right now, but do you understand how I feel.. Do you know that I'm not in the mood too, I just dun wan to show it out, cause sometime it hurts.. You just dun know me that well.. You only see the surface of me, that's not the real me... The real me was unpredictable, I'm always sad and upset... Every little things upset me, although it might be nth to you, but to me it was an important thing... I look happy everytime but I'm so tired of it... Do you guys understand or even try to understand me??? Seriously, someone that will truly care about me is not there... I shouldn't continue, if not I will burst out with tears...

11:20 AM sprinklinq love Y

Saturday, July 23, 2011

What kind of person I am? How I wish to restart my life... I'm not happy at all, everyday feel upset... One piece of the puzzle is missing... I scared of getting depression if this continued... I wan to feel the love I use to have.. Someone care and worried about me, the most important thing is they loved me... I'm so lost... Dark in the room all alone, this is what I feel now... Who can I say to? Who will comfort me and make me happy.. Last time there always be someone to make me laugh but now??? Although, we are close friends but I can't really speak my words out... What should I do???

10:23 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, July 15, 2011

I feel so relieve when I was running in the rain... I feel so relax when I am walking in the rain... I love the rain but sometimes when it rains, I feel the pain in my heart... All the past memory just flows out like water, it just can't be stopped... Why am I keep looking back the past, I wan to stop these but my head just won't listen to me... I hate this..

10:16 AM sprinklinq love Y

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I feel despaired... No one could understand how I feel now... No matter how much I've complain, how much I've try to console myself, it just doesn't work.. I feel like crying out... Why can't someone just understand me... I hate my life now.. What's the point of living when I feel so painful while living... Why can't I be the way I'm, just like in the past... Someone please save me from the darkness... I can't find the path out of the darkness... Feel so sad, my heart feel so worn-out... I just wan to be happy again...

10:10 AM sprinklinq love Y

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Love is like a river,
will cut a new path;
whenever it meets an obstacle.
-Crystal Middlemas-


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That's cos
I'm a girl
And a active one too.STABBERS

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# GEK HEONG[HaRdworking giRl]
# Jie Han
# Jian Hui
# Si Min
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# WEiJing
# Sgs-Band
# Vivian[NOisey Gal]
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